Get started with Shopware 6 in zero time

Find the right dockware version for you and get started with your Shopware 6 development

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Compare our images

First of all you should take a look at the different images and features and take the one that fits your needs.

Use cases

Flex Essentials Play Dev Contribute
want to...
  • run a shopware optimized environment
  • code on shopware or symfony
  • have a blank/clean dev container(s)
  • be completely flexible with minimal overhead
  • run a shopware optimized
  • have additional services onboard like mysql, adminer etc.
  • bring my own shopware version
  • quickly test:
    • my/other plugins
    • every Shopware version
    • standard Shopware features
  • have a plug'n'play Shopware 6 API to develop my integrations.
  • plugins
  • themes
  • Shopware apps
  • customized shops
  • run the Github development version
  • contribute to the Shopware 6 platform
  • use psh
have to...
  • bring my own email solution
  • bring my own MySQL container
  • bring my own Shopware installation
- -
  • pull and update my Shopware version on my own

Technical differences

Flex Essentials Play Dev Contribute
Shopware Template - - production production development
php 5.6 - 8.1 5.6 - 8.1 7.4 - 8.1 5.6 - 8.1 5.6 - 8.1
adminer - yes yes yes yes
mailcatcher - yes yes yes yes
pimpmylog - yes yes yes yes
ssh yes yes - yes yes
Xdebug yes yes - yes yes
tideways yes yes - yes yes
npm, composer etc. yes yes - yes yes
storefront/admin build/watchers - - - yes yes
psh - - - - yes

Quick Start dockware #play with Shopware 6

All you need is

1. Start Docker
# run latest Shopware version
docker run --rm -p 80:80 dockware/play:latest

# run specific Shopware version
docker run --rm -p 80:80 dockware/play:6.3.0
2. Play with Shopware 6

...wait until you see further instructions and URLs.

Shopware 6 is ready - time to play!
Please see our default credentials to login.

SUCCESS - Shopware is now ready!
SHOP URL: http://localhost
ADMIN URL: http://localhost/admin
ADMINER URL: http://localhost/adminer.php
MAILCATCHER URL: http://localhost/mailcatcher

What's new in this version? see the changelog for further details
  • Troubles?
    Don't worry and see our FAQ page

Quick Start dockware #dev with Shopware 6

All you need is

1. Create docker-compose.yml file
If you want to develop with Shopware 6, you need some additional ports and settings for your container. We have prepared a docker compose file for you :)

Check GitHub docker-compose.yml

2. Start Docker
We start by launching dockware. This will prepare the whole shop for you.
docker-compose up -d
3. Prepare Development
Now download the Shopware sources from the container to your local source folder (if you don't use bind mounting). Don't worry, it won't take that long
Now you have the whole the source code from Shopware on your local drive to benefit from code completion and all that stuff.
docker cp dw__myshop_dev_shopware:/var/www/html ./my/local/path/src
for Windows users:
1. you have to open your terminal "cmd" with admin rights.
2. it's possible that also long paths does not work so there will be some folder which can't be downloaded. In this case we recommend to zip the content wihthin th container, copy and unzip:
1. docker exec -it CONTAINERNAME zip -r ./
2. docker cp CONTAINERNAME:/var/www/html/ C:\my\path\
3. right click zip file -> unzip

the unzip process will show you some notifications that file XY can't be extracted as of path length, please skip this files to get all others to your local path.
docker exec -it CONTAINERNAME tip -r ./
Yes, correct - we use SSH and SFTP to communicate with dockware!
But of course you can use bind moutning (if your host and perfromance allows it)
Our isolated containers give you the performance you need while developing on your host machine. Just create an automatic-upload in your favourite IDE and you can modify the code or even use the watchers inside the container.
ssh dockware@localhost
You can also use the plain docker commands to access your containers.
docker exec -it dw__myshop_dev_shopware bash
  • Troubles?
    Don't worry and see our FAQ page

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